2020 Vision

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By Charlotte Coren

Not even a week into 2020 and we are off to a disastrous start. Whether it’s the devastating wildfires raging through Australia, the panic reverberating around the internet about a potential World War 3 or global Anti-Semitism rapidly and violently on the rise. It seems there is no end to the list of things for us to worry about. The fear and chaos pervading our lives does not seem to be going anywhere. Yet. 

So I ask myself. How do I stay sane and focused as the world seems to be crumbling around me? How do we step into this new decade as the empowered and enlightened 21st-century women that we desire to be?

First of all, I need to pay attention to whatever I give my attention to - wherever it is, I am. Thinking about the past gives life to a world that, in truth, no longer exists. Instead, learning from the past will serve me. If I worry about a future that has not yet happened I am removing myself from where I need to be, which is right here. In the present. This is where my power is. From here I can choose achievable future goals. I can choose a vision that I can strive toward.

But we must choose wisely. We must be discerning in how we invest our time, with what we feed our mind. In this age of easy access and abundant information, of hours swept away by little blue screens, I am sensing that less is more. 

Next; Acceptance. Knowing what is in my control and releasing what is not. Realising that I do have tremendous power to affect the world that I live in. Not just through Facebook or Twitter, nor by complaining, but instead with the simplest of tasks- through the smallest of services, the kindest of thoughts, the most generous of gestures.

Last but not least. I must connect with other human beings in whatever capacity I can. We must focus on our people, our relationships -  the ones that we nourish and that nourish us. The confidants, the cheerleaders, the entertainers and the teachers. The ones who shine their wisdom, love and light right through the walls of our hearts and minds. The ones that give us perspective and the ones who help us to laugh,  cry, or both - who help us to be vulnerable. To share. To appreciate what we have. To seek the good and revel in it. To choose love over hate, forgiveness over resentment. To be compassionate and giving. To keep on moving even though time and time again, we keep tripping up. Keep getting stuck. 

The critical thing is to remember that we are powerful in our humanity. We are worthy of love for the act of simply trying. It is for us to choose how to use our words, thoughts and actions. They define our reality, our world and reveal our purpose in it. Not the other way around. 

To read more from Charlotte, click here or you can find more of her on facebook, twitter and Instagram, or at her current project Geula.