To All The Clothes I've Loved...

No one thinks, in the moment, that they may have to to say goodbye to things. 

Like their genuine existence doesn't at all depend on whether, for better or for worse, you utilize them. For example, I felt the need to dim my eyebrow light when I was about 13. Having survived many, many a fringe massacre, I thought that they'll grow back if it's too bad a job, that this too shall pass. But no, these eyebrows that rest atop of my eyes are the same (more or less) residual eyebrows that I left on my face that fateful night at 13. They never grew back. My brothers still make fun of me.


Things I wish I never said goodbye to and still mourn the loss of:

  •  My gold skirt (that I physically outgrew, but still)

  •  My double wrap-around thin tan leather belt

  •  My fat velvet headbands and clips, and not just because they’re back in style OR because I gave them up because they weren’t in style, BUT because of what they represented. They were representative of my girlhood- I didn’t want to be tied to my little girl status anymore, I wanted to run into adulthood. But now all I want is my youthfulness back!

  •  Every blazer that I ever gave away. I never outgrew the style, I am still collecting them now, so explain to me why I let so many go?

  •  The bohemian white blouse my father made me wear (that made me feel like a pirate and that I hated)…

  •  And, the bohemian high fashion rouched black silk Alex Perry top (that I bought, having tried to manufacture the frilly feminine fullness of the previous and now lost Bohemian white blouse my father made me wear)

  •  My loose denim cut off short.

  •  All my Grandmother’s vintage tops (which again, I grew out of, she was a waif size 8) and bags.

  •  A pink cord skirt I got that was always too big, but now would have fit me perfectly

  •  Every Laura Ashley style dress and skirt I wore through the 90’s


And THESE are just the material and sentimental objects. Tell me, how do you look back at your past style life? Have you taken stock of your past purchases and losses, current pieces or future investments? What will they be and why? As we navigate September, I want to bring your attention to Oxfam's new social media campaign #secondhandseptember. This initiative, now in its second year, encourages one to consider all the high notes of our past wardrobe and our current maturing style. It aims to promote buying secondhand clothing for a minimum of 30 days- a period that would require one to take stock of what they have, weigh their purchases and explore second hand and vintage shopping in their area.


Speaking of taking stock of things, this September/ October, I and many of the Wrapt team will be celebrating the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana. During this time of the year, we are encouraged to take stock and prepare for the coming year- in general, and through the activities of prayer, asking for forgiveness of ourselves and others, and giving charity. So whether you are celebrating Rosh Hashana or looking a couple of months into the future (2020), we want to wish you a healthy, sweet and prosperous year ahead-  a year during which you take stock and appreciate those things past, present and in the future.


Over the next couple months we will be less theme-oriented than in the past (largely because we are still finding our footing following August holidays and the work/ life balance), but we are looking forward to some exciting articles from all new contributors. All these articles share a common thread that ties all Wrapt publications together- education through our female lens- from Arielle Gordis's article on supporting ethical and sustainable manufacturing practices to Miriam Belkin’s introduction to CBD products and Asma Aiad’s call for a great representation of the diversity amongst Muslim woman.  During October we will also see us return to our pregnancy and infant loss series too. There, of course, will be more and we encourage you to keep visiting us, to remain open-minded and remind you that you are always invited to share your story with us.


With gratitude,


Chava Kuchar

Wrapt Co-founder and Editor