Beth Steiner

Beth Steiner is a primary school teacher with a passion for reading, writing and storytelling. When she is not helping run the hip hop literacy department at a Sydney public school, she is chasing after her two young children and trying to foster a little vegetable garden. Beth has lived in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra and loves slam poetry and tries to instil this love of words in her students and kids.

5 minutes with Beth…

  1. Who were you named after? 

    My great-grandmothers! My hebrew name is Batsheva and I wish I was known by it- I think it's a beautiful name. 

  2. Where did you grow up? Tell us a bit about it... 

    I grew up in sleepy St. Ives on Sydney's north shore. I loved growing up there, its green and beautiful and has a small town kind of feel. My grandmother moved in with us when I was 3 and growing up she was like my much, much, much older sister.

  3. First item you splurged on and what age?

    Oooooh, that's a good one! When I was a teenager I went through a stage of loving designer clothes. I think a pair of sass and bide jeans when I was 15 and I LOVED them! This year, I massively splurged and bought a pair of golden goose sneakers but I think I've worn them every day since and absolutely love them.   

  4. What do you work as and what do you love most about your job?
    I'm a primary school teacher currently running a hip hop/radio/slam poetry program at a public school. I love being creative and forming connections with the kiddos. 

  5. Who is your fave blogger and why?

    I don't know if this counts, but I'm obsessed with the Chat 10 Looks 3 podcast with Annabelle Crabb and Leigh Sales. 

  6. Do you have a favourite designer? Why?

    There is a shop in sydney called Lotus Pod which is run by a woman who gives all the profits to charity and I love their clothes! So even though it's not a designer, that's my fave. I do love a bit of gorman. 

  7. All time favourite piece of clothing? 

    Probably a throw on black t-shirt dress with some jeans and sneakers! (Sorry that's not one piece!) 

  8. Favourite space to be in ?
    Rainy day at home with my fam. At the beach with my kiddos. In nature. In a book shop. At the library. In my bed on a shabbas morning with a cup of tea. 

  9. What does a typical day in your life look like? 

    Lots of nappy changing and child wrangling and tantrums and love and snack making. 

  10. Chocolate - milk, dark or white?

    Can I say all three?!

  11. What makes you feel beautiful?

    Having my hair blow dried and doing my make-up.

  12. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

    Wow this is hard! Hopefully with teenage and young adult children who I have a good relationship with and working a job that I love that is making a difference in the world! 

  13. If you had one message for women what would it be?

    After 120, when you get up to heaven, no one is going to ask how spotless your house was or how many expensive scandinavian wooden toys you had. Were you kind? Were you good? Did you try? 

To get into contact with Beth Steiner you can contact her via email or find her on instagram here.